
We have delivered many test systems over the last 16 years. Having pride in our work and striving to make automated LabVIEW systems of the highest quality is important to us. Here is a sample of the feedback we have gotten from our work.

Project Manager

Thank you for working to integrate the torque meter and output motor for closed-loop control without a PLC saving the project more than $12,000.

Test Engineer

Thank you for quickly finding resolutions to the dozens of reporting problems that have resulted from issues with our test.


You took action to challenge the running of a test procedure until the formal requirements were understood. Your actions prevented a test from being run that would have been invalid and potentially deliver incorrect results.


Joe – thank you for being so motivated to see this project through, and going above and beyond with a last minute trip to the site. You stepped-up and did what was needed to be done to move the project forward and I appreciate that immensly. Thank you!!

Department Manager

Joe has gone way above the line to support a business critical project outside of his area of expertise. He has established himself as a critical team member and has been the primary driver behind many of the technical developments. It takes courage and a truly all-in mentality to take a step back and actively choose to work on business critical projects not related to your specific responsibility. When successful, this project stands to significantly reduce the number of storage tests, reduce test spend, and increase data richness.

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